Thursday, November 30, 2006

Alternate Universe

By far the strangest thing for me last night was watching the Dean promotional video right before he, actually right before Frank McKenna (who introduced Dean) arrived on stage.

It was a great 2-3 minute clip about the origins of Howard Dean... "Helper of the Sick" "Saviour of his town" (or something along those lines). Anyway the video was great, v oriented towards his work in the US of A. For a moment, I was starting to feel a nice link to my past couple of weeks in DC during the mid-terms.

It was a great little campaign video... The only thing that was really funny for me was that it was like watching one of the campaign ads for the mid-terms but in two official languages... Which totally threw me... I mean obviously it would be in the to official languages - but I got so use to watching American political campaign ads recently, that it was almost as if, I was back in DC, switched on the t.v. and half way through a Webb commercial he switched into French...

I thought Dean's speech was good. The crowd, in the lead up to the speech, seemed a bit apathetic... but maybe that's cause we didn't know in advance that there'd be like 15 opening acts (or at least I didn't know - damn it, there I go using the royal we again)... and the thing started about an hour behind schedule. No problem, but I was beyond thirsty and finding water was kind of like divining in the middle of the Namib desert..

Though I wanted to blog more about the convention, just came across this v interesting website that tracks feelings in the blogsphere. Apparently every few minutes it does a search of blogs and find sentences that begin with "I feel" or today "I am feeling". Then it arranges the "feelings" by location, weather, gender. It's v visually pleasing actually and looks like there are all these emotions bouncing around in blogsphere space.


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