Monday, December 18, 2006

Alberta & Quebec: Separated at Birth?

This summer, I had the opportunity to travel across Western Canada working on one of the Liberal leadership races. I am embarrassed to admit, that before this summer, I was a straight east-west Canadian, i.e. I've been to both the Atlantic and Pacific shores of Canada but had somehow managed to skip over the provinces that bind - the glue that holds us together.

Through my work, I met with Liberals from Selkirk, Man. to the Queen of Sask., to the foothills of the Rockies. It was quite an unforgettable experience, in particular those mind-blowing prairie skies.

Somewhere along the drive between Edmonton and Calgary, I had an epiphany. It was my 27th birthday. We had pulled over for a double double. I closed my eyes. And opened them again. And thought that if I had been blind-folded and plopped down somewhere on that good Alberta pastoral land - I could have sworn I was in a pasture outside of Magog, in Quebec's Eastern Townships. And that's when it hit me:

Alberta and Quebec have tons in common! They are like naughty adolescent twin brother and sister. Alberta is the boy: tough, strong, big on steak, and pick ups - going through the sort of football team stuff - Quebec is the girl: into hippy environment stuff, open liberal views, free love, laissez faire attitude.

Neither likes to be told what to do by the parent (i.e. Canada). Both demand respect and to be treated like adults and will do whatever they please - thank you very much.

But I think that both of them, like any teenager, have a deep down/hidden respect for a strong parent, who isn't a push over, who challenges them, who tells it like it is, who doesn't overtly pander to them, and who, no matter who they bring home or what they experiment with, will be there for them when the going gets tough.


At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting take.

And there are tons of Quebecers living here in Calgary (including my wife).

Yes, we do have a lot in common (Calgary and Québec City are sister cities, for example).

The only big difference being that, if it ever came down to separation, Alberta could go it alone, but Québec would fail miserably.

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Fortunately, we wont have to worry about either scenario happening (says Scott optimistically).

At 6:05 PM, Blogger JJ said...

Thanks, Werner.

Don't really want to reply on the last part of your comment. I think though, when Quebecers are told that they can't go at it alone - it makes them want to...(just like when my mom told me: "you can't do that!" My response was often: "just watch me try!")

At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading your last paragraph, it becomes increasingly apparent that you harbor the same old tired feelings of all central Canadians, that they are older and therefore knows better what Alberta can or can't do. Quebec and Alberta are equal partners in our confederation but by your paternalistic stupid description can not possibly manage on their own with out supervision from the centre of Canada.
The west has passed you by and you are so self involved with your centralist dogma that you never even noticed.

At 7:47 PM, Blogger JJ said...

Yeah, that's right, shades of clarity.

Except that I don't consider myself part of centrist canada - I think that if you look at a map of Canada, Quebec is actually more off to the left than in the center - but I guess that's all relative, anyway - I just believe in the importance of the federal government, that's all, and the ties that bind us.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Gee shades... feeling a tad touchy there?

I never got that "paternalistic" feeling from JJ at all. She also never was arguing Quebec and Alberta weren't equal partners in the federation. If you bothered to read her blog, you'd know she's a proponent of that.

At 11:13 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

The west has passed you by...

If you see the West, could you ask it if it still has my screwdriver?

At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As JJ’s younger sister, I feel like I have to comment on this post.

I agree with Scott. The DC grit was far from being paternalistic- in this post or elsewhere on her blog and, JJ, I respect your views more than anyone else’s (perhaps it’s the younger-sibling phenomenon).

However,you have not done yourself or these two great provinces justice with your generalizations or over-simplifications.

I had the pleasure of meeting up with you in Calgary on your 27th birthday, the day of this afore-mentioned epiphany, and drove with you into the Rockies. You were full of insight and inspiration after your days in the Prairies, talking about Liberal community organizations that you’d met. You were full of ideas about uniting these groups, as well as new views the Liberal party in Western Canada.

Where were these insights in your post yesterday?

What’s more, you’ve personified Alberta and Quebec by employing (and enforcing) tiered gender stereotypes. Please. You know better than that.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger JJ said...

Ouch, little sis!

Geez! Had a tough day yesterday and was trying to lighten my day up with a bit of whimsy and frivolity! Did not meant to perpetrate sexist stereotypes either - I think that some of the adjectives that I used to describe Quebec can be male adjectives too - Alberta even has a more "female" sounding name than Quebec - what with the "a" at the end of the name and all.

Sorry if I have let you down, petite - jj, but my snowed under with work situation, did not allow me to write an indepth post analyzing, comparing, and contrasting, and potentially unifying our great country. I promise to do better next time (hopefully when I am not in the middle of working 14 hour days and using blogging as a way to give my little grey cells a bit of a break)!

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I still think you’re an excellent and eloquent voice in the realm of political commentary. I just know there is more to your vision of these provinces in questions and wished you’d elaborated.

As for you, Shades of Clarity: How dare you claim that the DC grit is “so self involved with your centralist dogma”? I suggest that next time you engage in debate, you learn a bit about who you’re talking to. By erroneously pigeon-holing JJ as some centrist-paternalist, you’ve closed the door (or slammed it, I think) on any kind of meaningful discussion that we could have had on this issue. Way to go. (Oh, and the next time you have to urge to launch baseless, personal attacks on my sister, you’ll have me to deal with….)

At 3:28 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Hmmm, well I can certainly tell I wouldn't want JJ's little sis on the warpath against me :)

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

I liked dogma. I've liked most of Kevin Smith's films, although Clerks 2 was rather a letdown. Basically, it was the original Clerks, but in colour.

At 4:29 PM, Blogger JJ said...

Uh, Thanks for the comment, Jeff... I actually don't like Dogma, but am a big clerks fan (haven't seen clerks 2 - think it might ruin it for me)... uh, but, um, maybe it's just me, but I am not totally getting the dogma/clerks link with the alberta quebec thread....

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Hmm.. I believe he took the dogma outta your sis's prior comment and like totally warped it into something different.

The thread is sprialling off topic and outta control :)

At 6:52 PM, Blogger JJ said...

oh man - right - yes - wow - badoom bah (that was me making drum like noises)... (and thus contributing to the unravelling thread - hee hee hee)

At 8:58 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Third parties had encouraged me to bring the snarkiness, perhaps it spun out of control... :)

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

And I liked Clerks too, just not Clerks 2 so much. I expected better, but it was just more of the same.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Well Jeff.. I have a thread or 2 over my way that you can throw outta control if you so feel like it and that this thread has suffered enough ;)

At 9:52 PM, Blogger JJ said...

oh - no not at all - am v grateful for your interventions, Jeff!

(And I take that as a suggestion that I shouldn't but Clerks 2 on my must see list)

At 9:53 PM, Blogger JJ said...

sorry - typo, i meant shouldn't PUT clerks 2 on my must see list

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Not at the top of the list maybe, but if you were a big fan of the original do check it out some time, if only for academic reasons.

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Hmmm Jeff.. I wonder if we keep talking inanely whether we can make this the longest message thread in the history of this blog (maybe it already is :) )

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Let's do our best Scott. Let's see, looking for a tangent...DC...West Wing Fan? I think my favourite season was season two, I've just been watching it again on TV. So many classic episodes that year.

At 1:44 PM, Blogger JJ said...

V thanks guys - we have already passed the record of most comments per posting (think the previous number was somewhere along the lines of 12 comments).

Yes, Jeff, am a BIG west wing fan - I concur, 2nd seasons was the best - though I just bought the 7th season - and it's pretty good too - I have mixed feelings about that "live" debate episode though.. the best part about 2nd season is when they reminisce about how they got involved in the Barlett campaign and administration...what's your favorite episode?

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Personally Jeff.. I dont watch a lot of TV.. so unfortunately I cant contribute to making this thread any longer then it already i other then by replying to tell you I dont watch West Wing.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Haven't picked up season seven yet, have all the others on DVD tho. I've been watching the reruns each night on cable and they're on 7 now. I agree on the debate ep, but otherwise it was a good comeback year for the show, shame it had to end.

Fav season 2 ep? That's tough, there's a lot to choose from. The first two as you said, as Josh is in surgery and they reminisce, those were great. The last ep, Two Cathederals, where Bartlet curses god in the cathedral in Latin, wow. I liked Galileo too. And Noel, with Josh's breakdown and Leo's in a hole speech.

I'll have to go with Two Cathederals though. The Latin speech, and then the Dire Straits as they go to the press conference. Classic WW.

And Scott, you really should start watching it, you know. Read blogs during the commercials. :)

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Well, this thread is now what we call in the message forum business of falling completely off the rails with regards to its original topic. :)

As to your continued off-topic point, Jeff... TV as a whole doesn't particularly enthrall me these days Jeff (nor does describing favourite segments of said shows on said blogs.. thats one way to get me to stop reading them :) )

At 9:03 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

It sadly appears our thread has stalled. I was SO hoping to get it to 30 (sniff).

At 9:18 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Yeah, the big 3-0. I'll be 30 in two years and two months. If I make it...

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Well.. early congratulations.... they say once you hit 30, you've turned a major page in your life..

Speaking of pages and 30... I think we're here!!

Get out the party hats!

At 9:51 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

Of course, once you hit the big 4-0 it's all downhill...

At 9:51 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

Opps, and my math was wrong, that should have been one year and two months.

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Hmm... well.. I dont know that we can talk about 40 just yet for you (either for age or this thread).

Either JJ has been real busy at work, or she thinks we're totally nuts for carrying this thread on.. its shocking there hasnt been a word of reply from her on this unprecedented length of this thread (and utter irrelevancy). What do you think, Jeff? :)

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

Indeed. I suggest we don't take it personally Scott.


At 10:54 AM, Blogger JJ said...

Oh my god! I can't believe that we have passed the 30 comments mark. Thanks guys for keeping the thread going and sorry that I couldn't participate more - I am up against a v tight deadline and that has cramped my blogging style quite a bit... and not don't think you're nuts at all... v appreciative of the longevity of the comment thread! I feel like I have to say something new and exciting here... other than I am swamped with work and not feeling so well... hmmm how about, I am going on vacation to Brazil next week! That's pretty cool no?

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Hmm.. saying you're going to Brazil and saying "thats pretty cool" almost seems to be an oxymoron, dont you think ? :)

At 11:00 AM, Blogger JJ said...

Btw, I definately think that we can look towards 40... we are so close - it is too tempting.

What are you guys up to today?
I am feeling behind on everything... and feel like my quality of blogging has been suffering... I have a good piece that I'd like to do on anthropomormizing political parties and imposing gender stereotypes on them - but I haven't had a chance to post on it yet...

At 11:01 AM, Blogger JJ said...

okay - sorry, scott! Let me recap: I am going to Brazil next week, that's pretty hot no?

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Indeed.. that's very hot! :) Alas, all I can say is I'm going to be near the resort tobacco town of Tillsonburg visiting my family during the Christmas vacation. I'll be sure to get pictures of the old Tobacco storage kiln while I'm there.. should make for some exciting holiday photos...

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

I've never been to South America. Maybe one day, that'd be cool. Going to Rio?

I'm going to the grandparents place in Fort Erie in Saturday, such fun. Maybe I'll get them to take me to see Niagara Falls.

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Jeff said...


At 11:26 AM, Blogger JJ said...

Wow!!!! Now I know how it feels to be you, Jeff!

Btw - it sounds like you all have nice and peaceful vacation plans... I am actually going to a Sao Paolo to visit a friend (I've been in Argentina once about 10 years ago - before the economic crash) - should be quite interesting - we are staying in a beach house between Sao Paolo and Rio with about 20 brazilian friends! Should be fun (just worried about my non existant portuguese... but hey!)

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Hopefully it doesnt snow twhile you're there.. that would suck, eh? :)

Now, I know thats probably statistically impossible.. but hey.. with the way the weather's turning whacky across the globe these days due to our continuing inability to deal with climate change.. one never knows...

I'm sure it wont snow there though... but maybe you should take a parka with you in case? Its good to be prepared for all eventualities, as the saying goes..


At 11:52 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

What, with so-called global warming I guess anything is possible Scott.

At 11:55 AM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Well.. there could also be a massive Krakatoa-like volcanic eruption in the next few days that fills the atmosphere with ash, cooling the atmosphere, blocking the sun out, throwing weather patterns outta whack and causing it to snow in South America.. that could happen too, you know.

I'm just telling JJ its good to be prepared. I'd hate to see her freeze to death in Brazil from lack of a parka if any of this were to happen.

At 12:10 PM, Blogger JJ said...

Even more interesting than so called climate change, is did you know that the magnetic north is changing directions? Within the next 100 years or so (well actually scientist don't know exactly when, but soon), magnetic north will actually be magnetic south - so when you take out your compasses the needle will point south for north! Isn't that beyond wild?

At 12:29 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Wow... now THAT's pretty freaky

At 1:25 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

I guess we should all invest in the stock of compass manufacturers. Unless they just decide to change the meanings, so Canada would now be in the Southern Hemisphere and not the Northern. Would they also flip the maps upside down too? That would be freaky.

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Well, with global warming, that would also mean if we got flipped, it might fit what our weather patterns are like.. but I hope not. I would hate to see "white christmas's" and winter in general be a thing of the past. Winter really is my favourite time of year usually.

At 2:59 PM, Blogger JJ said...

Just had to get us to 50 - we were so tantalizingly close!

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Woo hoo!!!

Way to go JJ.. Its appropriate the site owner gets us to the magical 50 mark.

Should the thread be now locked to preserve its integrity? :)

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Jeff said...


So, what does everyone want for Christmas?

P.S. When did this thread have integrity?

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow- Congrats on the big 5-0! Nicely done!

(I thought I'd comment on this acheivement for the sake of, well, commenting.)

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Jeff: Very good point on the integrity thing. I think the reason we're engaged in this is because of 1 particular drive-by-poster. I've enjoyed this thread more due to the past 40 messages then the first 10.

JJ's little sis - that's the spirit! (Commenting for the sake of commenting) Thank you for joining us in our posting irrelevancy!

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

But more importantly Scott, and little JJ, what do you want for Christmas? Maybe Santa is still shopping...

At 6:13 PM, Blogger JJ said...

I actually already said what I want (see post titled, all I really want) mostly action on climate change and afghanistan... And you?

At 6:20 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

mostly action on climate change and afghanistan

Ah yes, I do remember that one.

Myself, I'd like The West Wing Season 7 DVD, the last season of the Family Guy on DVD, a rug for my living room...and I wouldn't say no to a plasma screen tv.

And world peace.

At 6:22 PM, Blogger JJ said...

What about all the children of the world holding hands? (I think that was Steve Martin's once in SNL...)

At 6:31 PM, Blogger JJ said...

Oh and re: West wing - that one where Josh confronts his post traumatic stress and yo yo ma - is one of my all time favs - just watched it the other day.

And Scott - you should put the West Wing DVD box set season 2 (I think it's better to start there - wouldn't you agree, Jeff?) on your xmas wish list. DVDs are great - no commercials.

After working on the federal election campaign last Dec & Jan - for 7 weeks, 7 days a week, and 12 + hours a day - and losing both in the riding and nationally - I spent a solid week holed up watching seasons 1 - 6, drinking beer and eating popcorn (i am v grateful to Scott Reid's introduction to that combo) - it was very therapeutic... I highly recommend it - especially seeing as you are newly arrived to the political realm - and it will help you to relive some of the leadership convention excitement!

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Hmmm... well, I'll think about it then if you so highly recommend it.

(using that as an excuse to reply to get the thread up to 60 messages ;) )

At 6:55 PM, Blogger JJ said...

wow! the big 6-0!

At 7:52 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

60? Let's not stop now.

All the children of the world holding hands? Ok, but what would they do then? That's what I'm wondering.

Season One is great two, even if Mandy does drag things down, but Season Two is the pinnacle, IMO.

Scott, I'd lend you my copy if you lived in the T-Dot. The xmas list it is then. Highly recommended.

Not a beer drinker, so I can't comment on their suitability as a combo. Beer and wine don't seem like they'd work though, nor beer and rum and coke or beer and vodka and orange juice.

If I ever see Scott Reid I'll ask him about alternate snacking food and alternate combo suggestions. I did run into his buffy Duffy in Montreal, but we (including Tribe) left when we learned his climate change reception included wine/beer, but no popcorn, or even cheese and crackers.

The humanity!

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

We did?

I dont recall visiting that.. or was that the place where the infamous picture of me holding a glass of Guinness took place?

At 9:17 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Yeah, that was it Scott. First night, with Miranda, we went looking for food, remember?

At 9:53 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Ah yes..

And I'm paying both you and her good blackmail stuff to keep that story of the beer glass quiet.

At 10:35 PM, Blogger JJ said...

oh, come on now! you know you want to tell us that story!

At 10:54 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

JJ: I'm not sure I wish to.. :) Its about as embarrassing for me as the yelling in the cellphone and getting aught on CPAC moment... probably worse.

I'll do so though. because I know Jeff (or Miranda if she happens to read this thread) will tell you regardless... so I'll tell it.. but not on the public forum :) Catch me in email or messenger and remind me and I'll (reluctantly) tell it.

At 11:02 PM, Blogger JJ said...

you sure you don't want to share?

Btw - I just came back from Jeff's blog where I was sharing a bit of comment love - his SOW post is getting a lot of ahem, comments, ... I tried the whole can you get the west to give back my screwdriver thing - and because I'm not as witty as Jeff, I don't think it really worked... but you'll see... If I were you, Scott, I'd head over there....

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

I'll share in private ;)

And yea.. I saw that ... and I posted an... uh.. appropriate response ;)

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Now Scott has built the story up too much, you'll be disappointed...

Yes, read your post jj, I look forward to seeing how the waring factions respond. And if you're thread trawling, Scott has a thread over at PBers that could use some intervention... :)

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

I dont think any intervention over there will save that particular thread you're referring to - best to just let it die out.

Besides, you're going to need plenty of intervention from the looks of your thread.

At 2:14 AM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

I should also mention lost in all of this is the fact we're now at Post #72 in this ridiculously long thread ;)

At 10:24 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

I think we're running out of much for my dreams of making 100.

At 10:56 AM, Blogger JJ said...

We are sooo not running out of steam!!! I share similar aspirations as you, Jeff! A hundred - here we come!

(I must apologize, I have been a little remise in my posting - damn work deadline... will try to comment more often today).

Not sure if we have to get it to 100 by COB today - cause that's when Scott leaves to go home and there, he only has dial - up!

Okay, so where were we... West wing, niagara... brazil - changing magnetic north... uhhh... man oh man - i have to run to a meeting that starts in 5 minutes in another building... kay will mull over topics while in meeting and will post post meeting.

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Well JJ... I can say that your timely intervention and my immediate follow-up did nothing to slow down the vitriol over at Jeff's site. (Bloody doctrinaire ideologues :) )

Good thing Jeff posted 2 new blogpostings on top of that though; that usually slows down people looking at threads below it.

And... I am here to help with message threads and such til 5 pm or so.. on regular highspeed DSL anyways. ;) Wont be at my folks til 8;30 pm.. and from then on in when I'm not away at Christmas events, its dialup til the New Year.

How mortifying.

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

PS - Jeff: in light of that dial-up comment I just made, as I said to JJ in email, a last minute Blackberry with email wireless capability would be a much better Christmas gift for me from someone on here then a DVD set of the West Wing of ANY season :)

At 11:57 AM, Blogger JJ said...

Hmmm - I often find that using my blackberry to post on blogger isn't so good - the last time I posted via blackberry it took two days to go up and by that time the interesting info (it was about the mid terms) was already long past... so embarassing, I had to take it down.

At 12:31 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Dial-up? Where are you going Scott, Antarctica? That's crazyness.

JJ, forget the meetings. Third world hunger can wait, we're talking about 100 posts here!

So, let's see. Favourite holiday treat? My Mom makes these choclate peanut butter balls that are jut delish. Also, Nanaimo Bars, And you can't go wrong with fudge. Mmmm, fudge.

At 12:44 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

100 by EOD may be tough tho. I'm leaving work soon with some friends to head downtown for lunch (old spagetti factory) and then a movie (the good german). You kids give it your darndest tho. :)

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Actually Jeff... my folks live a few miles outside the town of Tillsonburg - on a dirt rural road. It is at the moment too far away for them to get DSL or Cablemodem access, and satellite and wireless both seem too costly to them.

Their internet provider has told them they are trying to provide DSL options to their rural customers in that area soon.. but for now.. its 56K modem or bust.

(And, at least I got you to 80 on here JJ, which is still impressive)

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Oh, and Jeff.. I did relay my "beer glass" story to JJ just now in email.. at least, MY version of it (which I think is accurate, I might add).

So, I guess we'll find out soon enough if she was disappointed at the build-up/let-down as you predicted or finds it close to or moderately as amusing as she did when she saw me yelling to her on my cellphone in the now-infamous CPAC blogger episode.

Personally.. I'm more sheepish at the beer glass thing then I am at yelling on CPAC.

At 8:41 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Well, the beer glass thing wasn't broadcast on national tv...but then again, CPAC doesn't exactly have Hockey Night in Canada type numbers...still, I'm just disappointed you didn't keep the souvenir...

At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6:42 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

That's a pretty ignomunious way to end a monster thread.. so I'm adding this to make sure it doesnt end with a "blah" ;)

Here's something I'm interested in (ibn case anyone reads this still): I know "JJ" is away on vacation, but I still am getting a visitor to my blog, and the IP tells me its coming from Washington DC... so I'm trying to figure out who that might be.

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Probably Karl Rove.

At 11:40 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Karl Rove? He must be pretty bored then, as I see this IP coming in from DC all the time everyday during the Christmas and New Year's vacation period - but the link they're using to get here is weird... it appears to be coming from -- how anyone would have found me or my blog from there I have no idea.. but the person using it apparently is from Washington DC).

I see we're up to 86 messages in this thread as of Jan 1/06 .. who knows.. we might get it to 100 before JJ returns from Brazil :)

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

I got a hit from once, very freaky that was.

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Getting a hit from there would be freaky, but not implausible (if they were looking for links about what was being said on the blogosphere about the Iraq or Afghanistan campaigns for example... it certainly would bring up a few Canadian blogs)

I find it more implausible someone continues to link to me from a site that appears to be exclusively based on shopping. If anyone gets bored and wants to figure out how my blog can be found thru that site, I'd be interested.

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

I think we're the only ones still reading this thread Scott so you may not have any takers.

Anyway, how about that so-called global warming, eh?

At 12:58 AM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Heh... what a cheap post to get to 90.

To be honest, I was kinda fishing here Jeff. Because I know of a couple of people that it might be from DC, and I've been posting it publicly to see if it would draw them out to comment... but alas, no biters so far.

And here we are at Post 90 on this thread, as of early Am. Only 10 more to go before JJ is due back on Jan 6 ;).

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

I'd like to go to DC some time. I was at the airport once, seemed nice. I'd like to see all the sites though, White House, Capitol, Smithsonian, etc. Ever been to Washington Scott?

At 10:08 AM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

No, I've not had the pleasure of going to Washington DC. I've been to Washington STATE when I was out to Seattle a number of years ago.

Otherwise, my US travelling experiences have been to Frankenmuth Michigan to visit the big Christmas Store Mall there (Christmas stuff there year round), and a few vacations to Florida when I was a teen.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

Seattle is nice, I was there in the spring. Went up the Space Needle, that was fun. The city is very Vancouver like, which I like as a BCer.

I think my fav US cities to date have to be New York and San Francisco, tho I wish I've had more time to explore each.

There's a store in Ottawa that sells just Christmas stuff all year long, in the Byward Market. Or at least there was a few years ago.

At 4:41 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

(Jan 3/06 the date of this post)

Down my way in the lovely town of Stratford Ontario, not only is it well known for Shakesperian plays, but there are a couple of all year open Christmas stores - or there used to be.

Heh.. I wonder if JJ has bothered to look in at her site since she left on vacation.. she'd be shaking her head at this continued thread if she has been (tho I suspect she hasnt been).

At 8:42 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

I would hope there'd be better things to do in the Brazilian summer.

What's with the all-year Christmas stores anyway? I don't get it. Epically when the Christmas retail season in all stores seems to start in August these days anyway.

Bah humbug.

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Well.. I've been getting a few hits of late from her site, but I figure those must be from visitors who happen to see me typing so many inane messages in this thread and wonder who the heck I am ;)

You're right.. much better things to be doing in Brazil then checking out the web, though I noted those riots a week ago in Brazil with some concern and the hope JJ wasnt anywhere near that bit of ugliness.

All-Christmas stores are very popular in typical tourist towns. Stratford would certainly qualify as that. Frankenmuth in Michigan has its entire town seemingly built aroudn the fame of its Christmas store. So, it works in certain regions.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

If there are any lurkers in this thread, please, delurk, comment, and help us get to 100!

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Wow, Jeff....

You're reduced to grovelling to pleading to people to post?

Worked for 1 person anyhow - 98 we're up to :)

At 4:49 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Groveling? Never. Was just a friendly invitation, just in case we have some shy lurkers in the thread. Cause we're all friendly folks round here.

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Heh.. well.. its almost fitting I get to leave the ...


(cue the streamers and party hats).

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

I was going to do it, but I thought I'd let you have the "honour".

Next, we fix the environment!

At 7:27 PM, Blogger JJ said...

I hate to ruin the palindromic nature of that 101 (and the subtle reference on the famous Bill) but just wanted to say thanks Jeff and Scott for getting me that far... quite a historic moment for this little blog.


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