Rectifying the gender inbalance
Kudos to Calgary grit for highlighting female candidates in his “Best Prime Minister We Never Had” contest. Just wish that we’d be able to get equal numbers of male and female candidates on that ballot. Verdict’s still out on whether France’s system of “ballot parity” (i.e. equal number of female to male candidates on ballots) actually translates into equal number of male/ female elected officials. Though, one could argue that perhaps because of France’s new interest in gender parity, Ségolène Royal actually looks like a viable contender for the Presidency (and she is light years above Edith Cresson – the last female French political figure of any note – and an absolute disaster at that).
Apologies for all the French stuff – it’s all the Buddha Bar talk that got me reminiscing of glory days in the City of Lights.
As a member of the Ontario Council of Fair Vote Canada, I can tell you that gender parity is definitely emerging as an issue. That and proportional representation promise to be the biggest issues in next year's referendum on voting system reform.
Confessions of a Liberal Policy Junkie
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