Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Five Things the F word Has Done For Me

I prefer not to use the word feminism. People tend to have a knee jerk reaction to the word. Eyes roll or gloss over, images of bra – burning, non leg shaving, fierce lesbians are conjured. People, who, by my definition of the word, are feminists, refuse to define themselves or align themselves with the word. So in a nutshell, I try to use it sparingly. I try to articulate my points without bring up the word. Look at the discussion that my use of the word “sexist” caused. Language and word choice have baggage… and feminism is a prime example of this.

Instead, the words I tend to use are: equality and freedom of choices.

Feminism has done one thing for me: It has given me the freedom to choose. The freedom to choose the type of life, I (me, an individual) want to lead. Be it a homemaker and housewife, and/or a politician, and/or a businesswoman and/or a naval officer (I didn’t always have all those choices…) Feminism has made me realize that I can earn the same income as a man in my position. Feminism has given me the right to vote (I didn’t always have that right and in some countries I still don’t).

It all comes down to choices and allowing individuals the right to choose to lead the life they want to lead. Men have societal pressures too. They face pressure to be the wage earner, the breadwinner, the supporter of the family. Men used to not be able to take parental leave. Gender equality theory explores how issues, problems, events, have a different impact on men and on women and it strives towards equality for both. I think that everyone can agree to that…to equality for all regardless of sex, race, and religion and the freedom to make your own choices.

The idea of having the freedom to lead the life I want to lead, brings me back to my Thanksgiving post about being in Africa… and the luxury of having choices… Feminism has helped give me that luxury… and for that, I am eternally grateful.


At 8:48 AM, Blogger Kirsten said...

I like your take on the 'F' word.

I agree, the word scares many people, and it's almost become a dirty word these days, even though I think most people realize the improvements in society that have resulted from the feminist movement.

At 1:32 PM, Blogger JJ said...

Thanks, Skylarkd!

(You have a great blog btw!)




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