Thursday, October 26, 2006

Four Questions

1) Building Walls to Keep People Out of Countries:

Hmmm… do people that dream up these things never raise teenagers? Can't they hearken back to their own days of youthful rebellion, when grounded to their room and kept under lock and key, they still managed to find a way to sneak out anyway? Seems like such an expensive band-aid solution, that I am surprised that these sorts of ideas actually make it out from a heavy drinks session where some dude says: "Hey man, like wouldn't it be cool if we could like, build a wall around our country to prevent people from coming in?" to an actual government project paid for by tax payers hard earned cash…

2) Vive la nation libre:

How some dude can come back to Canada after over 20 years abroad, be a backbench (no disrespect for backbenchers) MP, and decide to run for the leadership of a major Canadian political party and decide for shits and giggles to reopen barely healed wounds... Like wouldn't the first logical question be once you start defining groups as nations, what about the over 500 aboriginal nations our country... and by the way, what is the point? I'm a Quebecer, I can more or less understand Bill 101... but I can't see any concrete value added of the whole defining Quebec as a nation business... other than if you just feel like being a shit disturber. I mean who is this guy? And how dare he? I'm just holding my breath for a week to go by without somehow being insulted by him...

3) Delivering on Political Promises 44 Years in the Future:

How anyone can utter a political promise that they plan to deliver 45 years in the future and not feel like a total idiot. I mean come on, we will “serious reduce emissions by 2050”! At first I thought Rona said 2015... but then I realized I had made a 35 years mistake! Who says that? I mean, while keeping a straight face. You'd be much better off going up to the scrum mike outside the House and saying, listen, we just don't believe in climate change and we don't want to piss off the oil companies which are big contributors to our party, so I’m sorry but we're just not going to do anything about it.

4) Keeping the Peace:

Why the country with military spending greater than the next 10 countries combined, can't establish security in a country that it took over... I just don't get it… I mean I thought these guys could do anything and take over any place... so what’s up? I am totally not an expert in this - so I begging for an explanation.

Now, after fully airing my ignorance, I'm going to and watch some Grey's anatomy... and try to figure out why on earth McDreamy told Finn that he could have Meredith... and ponder why McSteamy is just sooooo like, beyond, hot.


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