Monday, July 31, 2006

It's Getting Hot in Here

Am back in D.C. and just melting from the heat. Turns out the best is yet to come. The city is bracing itself for another heat wave - how does 37 C sound to the people back home?

It's also getting hot in D.C. for those 17 years old and under, with the city imposing a new curfew to help curb a rash of violence... And people say they don't like the state trampling on the freedom of their everyday lives....Can you imagine if they tried to ban hang guns?

Looks like things are heating up for the Liberal leadership race: a missing Ignatieff (not to mention rumours of a bizarre documentary surfacing with him firing an AK 47 (or is it another type of weapon? Being from a peaceful country with attempted gun bans - I am not so hot on my weaponery knowledge) AND rumours of Frank McKenna jumping into the race to save us all... well, rather than comment on all this, I'm happy to let things simmer for a bit under this hot summer sun and see what happens...

(PS – thanks to the Calgary Grit for providing the inspiration for this posting… it’s sooo hot that I am currently devoid of any original thoughts… not that I had any before, but it’s just nice to know that there are quality blogs available for inspiration when the heat dries up any creative juices.)


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