Sunday, February 25, 2007

Keeping Up With the Baileys

Spurred on by the last post, have been spending most of my time on line lately in the search of the comms holy grail... not sure I'm going to share the fruit of my findings (better to keep some cards off the table, especially as it looks like we'll be heading to an election sooner rather than later)... however did want to link to one fab article that reviews a wack of the latest on Dem political strategy... and raises some extremely valid issues: how political success means responding to the needs of the middle class, the meat and potatoes of daily life, i.e. what would Joe and Eileen Bailey want? vs the broader "climate changey" type issues... or can you do both?

It's a great read.

Also wanted to give a shout out to my friend Taylor Owen, who just had an outstanding oped on Afghanistan published in the TStar the other can read the whole, unedited version here...


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