Okay, so first: I agree with
Wells... polls, smolls... and some of the questions were totally random... not sure how people can have an opinion on the Liberal position on Afghanistan... cause I have no idea what that is... (maybe I've just been totally out of the loop... but anyone who knows and wants to share... I'd v appreciate it)...
... so that being said... this post isn't motivated by the polls... I was thinking about it last week... after having read the papers a "normal" amount while in Vietnam (i.e. not obsessively everyday - bad habit that's hard to shake, after working in politics)... I came to the following, though not earth shattering in any way conclusion: time to get rid of whoever is doing comms in the OLO...
... Now, I hate to sow the seeds of discord and speak out against my beloved party... but I have a hunch that whoever is responsible for comms in Dion's office is the same person that has been doing comms for him for at least the past two years... And as far as I can tell, the best thing that he/she did - was to get zero media coverage for Dion in the leadership campaign... (though instincts tell me that, that though it was a blessing in disguise, it was not the result of a carefully planned comms strategy)... oh yeah, and the green swag on Saturday and the Dion drink coasters were good too...
Climate change and Kyoto are extremely complex issues... the Protocol is one of the trickiest in international law... and to get the message right on them is a behemoth of a job... The Tories have a much easier spin on this: any time we say a peep about Kyoto - there they are brandishing about the fact that GHG emissions rose while the Liberals were in power... Doesn’t' matter that the Kyoto Protocol only entered into force in Feb 2005 - doesn't matter that the reason there was little progress on reducing GHGs precisely because of Tory opposition in the House... that one line of Tory spin is, I hate to say it, damn effective... and we can do better/we have to do better...
Everyone knows the reason that Stevie went from talking about "so called green house gases" to committing $1.5 billion dollars on climate change - is because the Liberals under Stephane Dion made climate change THE issue... and a good comms strategy would remind Canadians of that...
... I also have a feeling that the comms folks are the same ones that got Dion absolutely zero domestic press coverage right after got over 162 countries to agree to a post 2012 Kyoto framework. I can't emphasize enough how much of a big deal this is... we have a hard enough time agreeing domestically within Canada on how we want to address climate change... meanwhile, Dion, steps up, gets 162 countries to come together and agree on how to move forward on reducing GHGs after the reduction period of Kyoto (which runs from 2008 - 2012) ends... The amount of kudos and accolades he got internationally was outstanding... the domestic coverage (in the middle of a federal election campaign when we were in desperate need of good press) was zip, zilch, zero...
...So there you have it... I think it's time for the Dion OLO to start mixing things up... comms wise...